Business Krishna Solanki Business Krishna Solanki

Why Bad Clients Are Good For Business

Bad clients. They exist in all industries, and more than likely you’ve had one if you’ve been in business long enough. Even if you haven’t been in business long, you may, unfortunately, have to deal with a bad client... One day!

But here’s the thing, bad clients are good for business!!

Don’t believe me? Keep reading as that is what I’m covering in today’s blog post.

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Business Krishna Solanki Business Krishna Solanki

5 Major Warning Signs That Client Is A Bad Fit For You (And Your Business)

Most small business owners are usually really happy and grateful when a new business inquiry comes through.  I mean, why wouldn’t you be - new inquiry, new project, more money...right?

Well, what if the inquiry is a “bad fit” for you or your business?  Are there any warning signs that a client can be a “bad fit”? How can you tell?

My friend, I’m here to tell you YES. Yes there are warning signs that a client is a bad fit for you and believe it or not, these signs can come up super early...

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